Amrita (Sanskrit: अमृत, IAST: amṛta), Amrit or Amata (also called Sudha, Amiy, Ami) is a word that literally means “immortality” and is often referred to in ancient Indian texts as nectar. “Amṛta” is etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia[1] and carries the same meaning.[2] Its first occurrence is in the Rigveda, where it is considered one of several synonyms for soma, the drink of the devas.
AMRTA Television is a Hungarian production and format development company founded by Laszlo Lovasz. The very first production was a YouTube-talkshow format in 2012, the very special ’Lakástalkshow’ (English title: ‘The Apartment’) and after 3 years it was picked up for television by Viasat3 (Sony Pictures Entertainment channel). Now the 3rd season is in preparation for Fall 2019. Laszlo is not only the producer but also the host of this show.
In 2016 Laszlo started to work on a new talkshow format based on his experiences and knowledge in one-on one interviews. He wanted to transform the guest-host interaction into something more real, honest and human thing. This show named ’Tesztbeszéd’ (Vote about me?) was ordered to series by Spektrum Home (an AMC Networks channel) in 2018 and now optioned for a 2nd season.
The format was introduced in Cannes at MIPTV 2019 and now distributed worldwide by Nordic World.
Since then AMRTA Television has came up with some more formats in various genres, which you can find in our catalogue. Feel free to find your new production’s format here!
At AMRTA Television we strongly believe that good television can only be made if you try obsessively look for the finest details in people’s connections and human interactions. All of our formats are based on this.