
Vote about me?

Live interactive talkshow

VOTE ABOUT ME? is an original entertainment format, a live talkshow where four different stars sit down to our host’s roundtable to get to know the objective truth about themselves one by one told by the real time viewers and each other.


Strictly Confidential – spying on stars!

Celebrity reality talk show

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL is a ’paparazzi talkshow’, a reality show format, where two star is having an intimate and real conversation about their own issues at a terrace of a café – filmed from the next corner, hiding in cars, from a balcony using telephoto lenses. So yes, we are spying on them!



3 seasons aired

TALKSatHOME is a special talkshow format, where we move the complete show to the host’s house and the interviews are recorded by remote-controlled cameras, so no one else is present, only the guest and the host.
